GCARA Field Day
GCARA Field Day

Gold Coast Summer Field Day 2024 – June 22/23 2024

The Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association will sponsor its ARRL Field Day event on June 22/23 , again at Quiet Waters Park in Deerfield Beach.

All interested parties, licensed amateurs and others , are invited to attend and participate. As in the recent past, we will set up 3 operating stations , one each for Single Sideband (SSB), Morse Code (CW) and Digital (primarily FT-8 or FT-4) modulation.

In addition, we will have other activities including various equipment demonstrations and satellite contact attempts.

Food will be available  (please indicate your interest in advance)  and we do have an open shelter with bathroom facilities. Those who wish to stay overnight will be welcome and can help us remain on the air through the evening hours. They should bring their own sleeping equipment (Bags, cots, blankets, air mattresses, tents, etc.)

Setup will begin at 8 AM Saturday and we will go on the air at 2 PM for a period of 24 hours.

 Advance reservations for operating time on the SSB station will be available  on the website (below)

We seek volunteers for this effort and encourage anyone willing to chip in and help us to contact the undersigned 

This will be an interesting and fun event. Do plan to join us.

Additional details wil be available on our website (www.w4bug.org) and in future announcements. Also questions  can be addressed to the undersigned.

Joe McGee, NX4T

Ricky Eaton, KD4HGR

Field Day Chairmen

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